Claiming Your Wealth
By Joan S. Peck
What is the secret? Just the word “money” by itself holds power over us. We all want it, and it usually is never enough for most of us … we want more. How can we create and manifest more of this commodity? Does it mean we have to work harder or spend more hours working? Does it mean we need to look at things differently with a new perspective?
Some of us who work in jobs, particularly outside the home, identify ourselves with our job and often find it hard to describe our lives or know who we are outside our job description. In this outward-thinking society, “doing” has become so important. The problem then becomes how to segregate your “awake” time to allow for “being,” where real power exists. What do I mean by that?
It is crucial to be able to look inward to remember just how powerful we are as the creators of our own life. Many of us have learned and accepted that everything is energy and that there is such a thing as the Law of Attraction, where we get back what we put forth. That opens the idea that we alone are the ones who create our ability to bring more money and financial abundance into our lives, among other things.
When we look at some of the beliefs of financially successful people, we might be surprised that inward thinking has created wealth for them. A significant example is Oprah. Let’s look at some of her and many financially successful people’s shared beliefs.
- They believe that they deserve wealth and believe it is their right and everyone’s right to have it. They never doubt it, and that energy carries them forward.
- They believe that the Universe will provide them with what they want. They understand that there is more than enough money and financial abundance in the Universe for everyone, including them.
- They allow themselves to receive all they want. They don’t have emotions and feelings of not being worthy enough, that they don’t deserve it or have not earned it, that there is not enough money in the Universe for them, and any of the blockages we create for ourselves.
- They understand that they will receive all that is to their highest good by having gratitude and giving thanks to the Universe for all they have and expect to have in the future.
- They don’t compare, worry, or spend their time thinking about what someone else has that they don’t. They know they can have more if they want more.
- They understand that money is more than cash. It is services exchanged, gifts given or received from family, friends, and sometimes even strangers. For those who can’t produce money but can share their talents, the “underground economy” is another way of receiving what cash offers.
- Money or its equivalent is just an exchange of energy, and when it is given and received in love, is there anything better?
Changing your perspective and belief system about money will assist you in living a calmer life without the stress that comes from your mind’s negative thoughts of you not deserving wealth. Try what successful people do! Live your passion, do what you do best, and create your wealth.
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