Creativity is a Personal Thing
By Joan S. Peck
It is important to remember that we create with each thought, spoken word, or action taken. We are creating all the time – every day, every hour, every minute, and every second! That means that it is up to each one of us to find the ways that work for us to produce what brings us happiness and gives us a sense of power, knowing that we can create whatever it is we want.
There are different methods of how we can create, and they are personal for each of us. The unusual thing about creativity is that we are most creative when we don’t think – when we let ideas and thoughts pass through us.
This method is called channeling. And it is something we all can do when we let ourselves be quiet and still and are open to receiving the messages. Although this sounds simple, it isn’t always because of all the “monkey chatter” in our heads filled with negative thoughts.
Where do all the channeled messages come from? If you believe, as I do, that we have lived many lifetimes, doesn’t it make sense that we have various memories imprinted upon us that consist of some of our experiences and the lessons learned from those experiences? And, if everything is energy, doesn’t it also make sense that we carry those memories with us from lifetime to lifetime?
There is an innate memory in all of us about the best ways of living, which is in reach when we meditate or remain still to receive guidance from our higher self. That self that can find humor and enjoyment in living as a human today— that self that reminds us that our journey is our own—that self that knows we are loved by the Universe no matter what, and that self that loves in return.
It is also there where we can connect with our guides and loved ones, for they exist in the energy of love, the highest vibration, and it is there that we can create best whatever it is we want … if we are open to it!
For those not comfortable looking at creativity through channeling resources, you can remain in the space of love, concentrating on your desire for what you want to produce, turning away from earthly thoughts, and losing yourself in your passion. When you create anything in a positive, loving way, you are in the highest vibration, the one that connects you to the best part of you.
It is easy to blame others for the unhappy situations in our life, but what happens when you have negative thoughts or act in ways that are not to your or anyone else’s best? It is essential to remember what we think we create. If your thoughts and actions are negative, you generate more of that until you change those thoughts and actions. Understanding this, you can now appreciate how powerful you are!
What will you create next?
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