How Did the Unacceptable Become Acceptable?
By Joan S. Peck
Those of us who have experienced the 1950s and the somewhat naïve living portrayed on television with shows like “Father Knows Best,” “Leave It to Beaver,” and “The Donna Reed Show” are dismayed at how far we’ve departed from what they represented. For many, those shows highlighted the importance of loving and spending time with your family and reaffirming manners and etiquette.
Men held doors for women; we played and got along with the other kids in our neighborhood because they were our neighbors; we watched over the elderly by carrying their groceries, mowing their lawns, and shoveling snow for them, and without any formality, a neighborhood watch existed because everyone watched out for everyone else at that time. If we did something we shouldn’t be doing, it was reported to our parents without them becoming defensive. Right was right, and wrong was wrong …. unlike today.
Today, few seem to own up to the consequences of their own making. Today, our society lives in the shadows, where people do not live their highest good, where the unacceptable has become acceptable. We live in fear. If those in power don’t like what we have to say, we are threatened with retaliation. Because of social media, anyone can say, do, and threaten another person or group without proper guidelines or consequences. Truth is often wholly misrepresented, and the unhappy, discontented folks grab onto the lies to ease their anger or sense of powerlessness or injustice.
We have fostered the false idea that our children are or should be perfect and no one is a loser; for example, whether their sports team wins or not, they are still winners. We have modeled for our children a sense of feeling slighted if they don’t constantly receive praise for whatever they do, even cleaning up their room or taking out the garbage, even though it is their responsibility. We have demonstrated and allowed our children to believe that if something doesn’t go their way, it is someone’s fault … not their own.
We want to blame anyone but ourselves for things that have happened in our lives, not to our liking. We are unwilling to accept responsibility for where we are in life, and therein lies one of the problems. We have forgotten that life is a chain of choices … made by us. Only we are responsible for the choices we make.
One of the most significant downfalls from softer times is that no one is allowed to disagree with another without staking a side. Instead, we want others to agree with whatever we believe, period. We demand consensus for whatever we express. If not, those who disagree with us become our enemies. We name-call, ridicule, and humiliate our enemies, and some go so far as to threaten their health and lives for not agreeing with them. We fail to acknowledge that differences exist to broaden our perspective from a different angle, and we need that to grow and expand our horizons.
So, where does that leave you and me? If we, along with everyone else, would sit, relax, and let our minds connect to our inner energy … the soul energy… we would rediscover the knowledge that we are all one and understand that anything negative we do to another affects us all.
The good news? The reverse is true as well. Anything positive we do for another affects us all as well. When that happens, the love energy … the highest energy … of what you’ve done with kindness spreads love into the ether and around us all. And it doesn’t take much, either. It can be a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, and so much more. All it takes is for us to think before we take action.
We need to claim the power of love and change the world. We can do it!
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