My Unusual Writing Habit
By Joan S. Peck
I believe that anything written has not only its own message, but its own song – its own rhythm, its own flow. Without it, the message can easily get dropped, leaving the reader with a choice of whether to continue on.
It doesn’t matter whether I am working on a novel, short story, marketing letter or simply editing for another person, I have learned that the best way to review what I have written is by singing back to me the words that I wrote. If there is a hiccup in the beat, then I know I may have a word in the wrong tense or perhaps have it misspelled or even have a mixture of ideas that don’t flow. Singing what I have written has saved me many headaches and heartaches. The funny thing about my unusual writing habit is that when I suggest it to a perspective writer they most likely haven’t heard me sing, for the truth is I can’t really carry a tune. But I still have the beat!
Think of all the times you may have been reading a marketing letter or even a novel only to be stopped by a word out of place or a stray thought that takes you away from the real message. What happens? If you are like me, after a few hiccups, I take advantage of the perfect opportunity to opt out of continuing to read on!
Not too long ago, I tried to read a book that was listed on Oprah’s Book Club. I got no further than 20 pages because the way the author wrote, she continually gave me chances to opt out of it until I finally decided, why not? I then experimented with my singing trick on these same pages, and again I was halted on nearly every page. So I have to believe that there really is something helpful to my unusual writing habit.
Another interesting thing about my writing habit is that I write best without any music on, letting the ideas flow without being seduced by the music. It is only after I have written what I wanted to write and am now reviewing it with my unusual writing habit that music becomes part of my writing.
Here are two (not particularly great) sentences, both correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation. I believe one is more musical in its flow and reads better. What do you think?
“I swear I am alone because I talk to myself,” she said
“I talk to myself so I think that is why I am alone,” she said.
We all have our own ways of writing, working out what is best for us. Perhaps, my unusual writing habit will be of some help to you. I’m glad. Happy singing!
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