Synchronicity Brings Gifts
By Joan S. Peck
Synchronicity … unexpected gifts. How often has something that seems to come out of the blue happened in your life? Almost as if a response to something thought yet not spoken? I’m talking about something unusual, perhaps even a bit weird, because it’s so unexpected. It’s as if something inside you or some energy larger than life is responding to your needs, sometimes without you even being aware of what you need.
Think of the unusual stories you hear about. A person has capsized their boat and is treading water, exhausted and about to give up, when a porpoise suddenly pops up beside them and leads them to shore. Or perhaps a log drifts to them, and they can grasp onto it and keep afloat until they are rescued.
Synchronicity can be an unmistakable sign related to some internal struggle you’re experiencing. It might be you’re feeling lost and alone when suddenly you smell the same fragrance your mother or grandmother wore or hear a loved one’s name whispered on the wind bringing their love to your mind and heart. It might be that you can see clearly in your mind’s eye the face of a person important to you, prompting you to reach out to them. It could be that when you close your eyes, you have words come to you that have a positive influence on your future thoughts and actions.
To me, the most remarkable thing about synchronicity is that it proves that we are not alone! There is a connection.
Have you ever been meditating or even sitting and relaxing when a vision comes to you where you see an event happening so real you even experience the feelings that go along with it? It happens to all of us whether we are willing to recognize it for what it is or not. Then, along comes the thought and a strong sense it was something you either experienced in another time or place, or it’s going to be part of the future—a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens. You know what I’m talking about … that sense of knowing.
If you believe as I do that everything is energy, that alone tells us that we are all connected. Because of that connection, it is possible to sense someone else’s emotional energy and respond to it. In other words, since energy is energy and everything is energy, we are not limited in any way to be able to connect to those in non-human forms, such as one who has died and is no longer present on earth. In turn, because energy doesn’t die and only changes form, those who have passed still have the energetic power to connect with us. Those moments of inseparableness are how synchronicity works. It’s that connection.
I believe the greatest gift from synchronicity is knowing there are so many energies in human and non-human forms that surround us, wanting the best for us. They are there to give us love, guidance, and support. All we have to do is allow our minds to wander and be curious about our environment, becoming more aware and open to receiving their wonderful messages to take advantage of all they reveal. Think about it! Isn’t it lovely to know we are never alone? A gift indeed.
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