What is the TRUTH?
By Joan S. Peck
With all the name-calling and things taken out of context and spread across social media, where does that leave the truth? Has it become that truth is left like beauty “in the eyes of the beholder,” or is there more to it?
Although there is such a thing as perspective and seeing things from one’s own viewpoint, how does that work when dealing with others demanding only their way of seeing things or the highway?
We have reached a divide that is ever deepening within our country today, leaving all of us bewildered by knowing that the truth in most situations is murky. We no longer trust those in power to speak the whole truth. Indeed, we have seen this repeatedly demonstrated in high-profile tweets that twist any situation to override the facts and real happenings to prevent personal degradation.
That worries me.
Have we become so lazy that it is easier to believe an untruth rather than seek the truth by looking into a situation from many different angles and reaching our own conclusions? Or is it easier to accept negative thoughts and ideas that brew violence?
Some of us today seem to get a thrill from downgrading another person without seeking the truth. They are the discontents of the world, pursuing satisfaction from hurting someone else—a dark side to human beings that brings out the “beast” in us.
We see that when children and adults get bullied. They are picked upon by someone who feels threatened in some way. The bully starts the taunting … but never alone. Bullies always gather others around them, calling out disparaging, hurtful things, and untruths, leaving the one bullied with little recourse to make things right. From there, it can escalate into physical violence. And we all know what that can lead to—broken hearts and even death.
Listen to the news or scan social media, and you can see the massive, unending misinformation that exists today. Truth doesn’t stand a chance.
Is it truth to speak ill of another person? Is it truth to steal from another? Is it truth to physically hurt someone else? Is it truth to threaten or take another’s life for having a different stance or opinion?
We will never realize our TRUTH unless we can understand and accept that we are all one.
It is simple, really. Everything is energy … every single thing … coming from one source. We all are connected by being part of that same source of energy. What one does to another, one does to all.
Truth is knowing that our purpose in life is to act in the energy of love, show kindness and consideration to another, and allow differences of opinion without threat. Truth is loving ourselves enough to be in harmony with the Universe. Truth is living the best we can to model our good words and actions to all children who depend upon us for protection against malice. That is our TRUTH.
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